In the Beginning
It all began in 1978 when a few bowhunters got together on Keith Perren's property, located on Old Bay Road, on the outskirts of Deception Bay.
These few people gathered to practice their bowhunting skills. On the 27th of June 1978 the Killen family, Parren family and Tim Stone discussed the possibility of the formation of an archery club for the areas on the northern outskirts.
Their main aim was to provide a club where members could meet and practice all three forms of archery such as target, field and bowhunting.
After placing an advertisement in the local paper they met with other archers from Deception Bay and surrounding areas and following a meeting on the 29th of June the Northern District Archers Association (NDAA) was born.
Club members of the NDDA enjoyed shooting and BBQ's on Keith Parren's property, but it became obvious that the club could not stay here indefinitely. So in the early 1980, in a drive around all the back roads of the Pine Rivers shire (as it then was) Barry Killen the Lakeside Bowmen's present site.
Approaches to and negotiations with the Shire resulted in the NDAA being given a 25 year lease on 1st July 1980.
Then the hard work commenced, of clearing enough land for a car park and camping area, and to build a club house on.
At that stage the practice range was where the present Red Range target 1 is. We were lucky enough to have as club members Kevin Maller and his brother, Chris Maller, who were registered builders, and it was them, assisted by club members at constant working bees (no OHS rules applied in those days about fluro safety vests, hard hats or steel capped boots) who helped design and build the present club house. One of our other members, Gary Wilson was a bricklayer by trade, and his skills and expertise in laying many courses of blockwork helped the club house become a reality quickly.
The evolution of Lakeside Bowmen
Soon after the NDAA had relocated to the present Scouts Road site a proposal was made to change the club's name to "Lakeside Bowmen". At that time in the early 1980's the Lakeside Motor Racing Circuit was in full use, and we could clearly hear the cars and motorcycles racing each weekend. It was also felt by some members that the name of "Northern District Archers Association" did not really explain where we were.
At that time the only 3 field archery clubs on the northside of Brisbane were the Grange Bowmen at their old site in Beckett's Road, McDowall, Our own NDAA on Scouts Road and Murrumba Bowmen who had a range on a turf farm at the end of Caboolture River Road.
Arguments for and against the name change went on for some months and newsletter issues, but eventually after a special general meeting the majority voted for the name change. And then a more fierce discussions took place as to whether the new Lakeside Bowmen needed a new club badge. The old NDAA patch seemed to depict the Pine Rivers location of the club well, but some members thought a change would be good.
Several design competitions were organised through the clubs newsletter, and eventually the current American Indian within a shield motif was decided on.
Club House Extension
Since then the club has flourished with valuable members and in May 1998 the opening of a new pergola was celebrated with an opening ceremony with guest councillor Yvonne Chapman to do the honours.
The ribbon was cut officially opening the extension in preparation for Lakeside Bowmen's 20th anniversary.
Sister Club
In 1998 Lakeside Bowmen and Massey Archery NZ became sister clubs. This came about by the work of Syd Green (President of ABA), Jane Bell (Lakeside Bowmen) and Trevor Ammunsden (Massey Archery Club).
Ten archers for Massey attended the official ceremony at Lakeside Bowmen where two plaques where presented to each club in recognition of the clubs becoming sister clubs.
The New Zealand flag (signed by Massey Archery Members) in the club house was pinched by Jane Bell (A.K.A. Sarge). There is a signed boxing Kangaroo flag in the Massey Archery club house.
Sarge has been waiting for the Massey Archers to return to our club and try to reclaim their flag.
At the clubs annual presentation night, awards are presented from each club to:
- Most improved archer
- Encouragement award (usually awarded to a junior member)
Shade for the Practice Range
In March 2011 Roy Stafford and Tim Stone came up with an idea to improve the practice range for members, but more importantly for our hard working coaches. The idea was to build a shade structure on the practice range to provide shelter for everyone using the range.
Over the next 12 months and many meeting and phone calls with council, and meeting the Biodiversity Overlay code and the Rural Fire Hazard Area code 1 and 6. We obtained all the approvals and funding required to build the shade pergola.
Construction was soon commenced. After 13 months of effort in April 2012 the shade pergola was completed.
In October 2012 the Moreton Bay Regional Council donated two park seats that were added to the practice range.
In November 2012 the practice range pergola was renamed to the "Peter Roulstone Pergola" in memory of our dear friend Peter who sadly passed away earlier in the year.
In May 2014, Warren King and Greg Crowe completed the extension to the pergola by erecting a shade cloth extension to cover the seating area. This has made a big improvement for all who use the practice area on a regular basis.
40th Anniversary 2018
In 2018 the club celebrates its 40th Anniversary, so to spruce up the club the committee under took the following projects to improve the club.
Maintenance Track Access
Well it all started with fixing up the access track for the quad bike to get around the ranges. A big thank you to "Branch D" in providing a grant to help with the costs.
As part of the work required a bridge to be constructed over one of the creeks. A great job was done by Peter V., Peter S and Rod C. in building the bridge.
Concreting the Practice Range
Well this was a big job, and a huge thank you to Jason T. for organising this work. It consisted concreting under the "Peter Roulstone Pergola" and the access track from the club house down to the practice range. The work had approximately 130 meters of concrete being poured. I'm glad we didn't need to wheel barrow all that concrete.
Another big thank you to Peter S. for building a retaining wall along the access path leading from the club house to the base of the stairs. And to all the helpers that helped with the hand rail. Some people are talking about planting some flowers there now, not too sure on that one though.
40th Anniversary Shirts
As part of celebrating 40 Years of Lakeside Bowmen, Dirk C. undertook a project to design a new club shirt to mark this milestone. After many hours slaving over a mouse and keyboard he came up with several designs.
And after a bit of discussions at the club and by email the final design became a reality. Now we're seeing quite a lot of these 40th Anniversary Shirts appearing at both club and interclub shoots.
Well the world of fashion has a new designer, and his name is Dirk. Who knows were this will take him (Paris, Milan) or some little shed out the back on yellow range, only time will tell.
And a big thank you to "ABA" in providing a grant to help with the costs of producing these shirts.
Car Park Asphalting
I know that many club members will give Tim S. a big thank you for organising the asphalting of the car park. This will greatly reduce the issue of dust covering everyone and everything every time some drives into the car park.
Air Conditioning and Painting the Club House
I know were everyone will be on those hot summer days and cold winter nights. Thank you to Tony B. for organising and installing the air conditioner in the club house. I know that the kitchen works will be especially happy with this addition. We may never get "Sarge" out of the club house now.
And lastly but not least thank you to Shane W. and Rod C. for painting inside the club house, it really looks great with a fresh coat of paint.
And to everyone that help with all these project a big thank you, this is the reason why this is such a good club, it's all of you, that make it so good.