Some of what we offer

We have monthly local and inter club competitions as well as coaching sessions - check out our calendar (Calendar) for full details.

As for your preferences, if you just prefer to shoot at targets then that is OK as a lot of members do not hunt.

If you want to learn to hunt we have a keen contingent of hunters in the club with a plethora of knowledge and information.

Lakeside has two ABA ranges and one IFAA ranges winding through a forest with twenty targets each.

Block Coaching

We offer a structured "Block Coaching" program, run in two sessions, generally on a Saturday (although we'll do more if there's a demand) from 08:30 to 10:30, then 11:00 to 13:00. We think about two hours is enough for newcomers, using muscles that are new to them, and so that they do not become too bored and loose interest.

Photo of people being taken through the introductory Safety Talk

Generally, Week 1 is the introductory Safety Talk, which covers safety of themselves, of other shooters and equipment (i.e. warn against dry firing), we assess their Eye Dominance, show them how to stand, how to Anchor and Release, etc.

Totally new people we have generally found they needs about one to one-and-a-half coaching sessions, to be able to grasp the basics, and learn to shoot accurately enough so they are consistently hitting the target bale - if not the centre spot - so we can "Passed Safe for the Range" (PSFTR), confident there will not be too many lost or dangerous misses in the bush.


This is sponsored by the Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC), and "Shaft" stands for "Special Holiday Activities For Teenagers".

Students have to prebook with the MBRC, and we do two sessions in the Christmas, June and September school holidays, on two Tuesday mornings, from 09:00 to 12 noon.

We start off with the safety talk, then move on to shooting, have a pit stop about half way thru, then resume shooting, but with balloons to hit, which are very popular with the children.

MBRC Adrenalin

There are 3 programs that make up the MBRC Adrenalin program:

They are designed to attract Adults older than SHAFT but younger than Older and Bolder. They are (mostly) segregated by sex, so the Ladies are not intimidated by macho males, and we can tell them about their elbows and other area that they may need to watch.

The sessions run for 3 hours, they book in with the MBRC, and we start with the safety talk, etc., take them down to the Practice Range to shoot, have a half way break, the go back for balloon busting.

MBRC Older and Bolder

This is a MBRC for 55 y.o. and senior citizens. It is run on similar lines to the Adrenaline Men/Adventure Women programs.

League of Executive Gentlemen

Photo of the League of Executive Gentlemen sitting around having a chat

On a Thursday morning around 8.30am some of our members get together for coffee and cake, a few tall tails and a little bit of archery.

Any member who isn't working is most welcome to attend this informal get-together for a bit of fun.